Member terms of service.
Simplified License Overview
All images found on the Honey Social (HS) platform and website fall under this standard, non-exclusive license for personal use only. That means that our images are for your personal, non-commercial use ONLY.
In other words, you MAY…
use HS stock for marketing or promotional materials such as in print, presentations, broadcasts, websites, and on social media sites
alter images with filters, text, cropping, color, etc
use assets for non-commercial advertising such as promoting your services
share or distribute the images in any way that would let others use the asset without licensing it themselves
use the images in a commercial way (like on packaging of your new product or on apparel)
repackage or distort the images to pass off as your own
use any image in an illegal, offensive or pornographic manner
sell or distribute the images to third parties or for profit
You are NOT required to provide credit to HS when using images in an approved way.
Extended License Agreement
High Traffic Uses
If a Honey Social member desires to use images in high traffic areas or large commercial campaigns such as television ads, billboards, endcaps or marketing and merchandising materials used in brick & mortar establishments or for any purposes that are similar, s/he must contact the Honey Social team to purchase an extended license.
Put another way, if you use HS assets in connection with billboards, main stream stores, film, high-traffic websites, television, documentaries, or any other video or multimedia presentation / mainstream media that has the ability to reach large audience, you agree to reach back out to Honey Social to discuss compensation. You also agree to use reasonable commercial efforts to accord the copyright holder credit in such high traffic uses.
Canva Template Usage Restrictions:
Honey Social grants Purchaser an exclusive, non-transferable, perpetual limited-use license to download and copy Canva templates subject to the following restrictions:
Templates can be used for personal or commercial use.
By purchasing Canva templates from Honey Social, Purchaser agrees and acknowledges that the templates come with an exclusive, limited use license.
“Limited use” refers to the following:
Honey Social remains the sole holder of the copyright and Purchaser may not cite the image as Purchaser’s own intellectual property. Purchaser acquires the right to possess, hold and use the templates for personal, or professional purposes for normal business uses.
Furthermore, Purchaser will not scan, photocopy, duplicate, distribute, sell, lease, or otherwise reproduce the images to allow a third-party to use the images without first removing Honey Social text & content and adding Purchaser’s own text, content, branding and other design assets. Purchaser may not use this purchase to promote any on or offline photography styling or graphic design-related training.
Purchaser may not resell template designs on third-party marketplace websites such as Creative Market, Etsy, Envato Market or other digital template websites (whether edited or unedited).
Purchaser understands that he/she may lose saved changes if Purchaser does not make a copy of the purchased template into Purchaser’s own Canva account before editing.
Copyright, title ownership, and all rights now and in the future, remain exclusively with Honey Social. There are no warranties, express or implied. Templates are provided ‘as is.’